Barrier-free & Families

For guests with special needs different services are offered at Graz Airport and by airlines.

Please choose:

>> Barrier-free travelling

>> Travelling with children

>> Travelling with pets


Barrier-free travelling

Service for people with reduced mobility

Please let your travel agency or airline know that you have reduced mobility and need support already, when booking your journey. Thus the staff can come up to your wishes and needs best.

The support service is of course free of charge. However, it can only be booked with your travel agency or airline, not with the airport.

In order to ensure smooth running of procedures, airlines have to inform the airport and the handling agent in charge about a booked service not later than 36 hours before departure.

You can check in your wheelchair in advance for free or our staff will take it directly at the aircaft and store it in the plane. You will get it back after landing at your destination.

Information on security control.

Information on parking spaces for disabled People.

The passenger terminal of Graz airport is fully equipped for people with disabilities: All doors are wide enough for wheelchair access; you will find everything at one level. The restroom facilities also cater to the needs of people with disabilities. >> barrier-free airport

Wir möchten Ihnen Ihre Reise so angenehm wie möglich machen. Bitte kommen Sie mindestens zwei Stunden vor dem Abflug zum Pick-up-Point an der Flughafen-Information in der Fluggasthalle und mindestens eine Stunde vor dem Abflug zum Check-in-Schalter. Das Personal kümmert sich um Sie und hilft Ihnen während des weiteren Verlaufes Ihrer Reise.

Ihr Top-Service für mehr Mobilität

Damit Sie barrierefrei und bequem reisen können, sind am Flughafen Graz zehn Rollstühle, zwei Tragesessel und ein Spezial-Hubwagen im Einsatz. Mit dem Spezial-Hubwagen können Menschen, die auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen sind, barrierefrei in das Flugzeug und aus dem Flugzeug gebracht werden. Liegend transportierte Fluggäste können auf diesem Wege ebenfalls sorgsam übernommen und begleitet werden. Dieses Service wird von ausgebildeten SanitäterInnen durchgeführt.

Ihren Rollstuhl können Sie entweder schon vorab einchecken oder unser Personal wird ihn direkt am Flugzeug übernehmen und nach der Landung am Zielort bekommen Sie ihn wieder zurück.

Informationen zur Sicherheitskontrolle.

Informationen zu Behindertenparkplätzen am Flughafen Graz.

Travelling with children

Family friendly airport

At Graz Airport you and your children will have a relaxed time til the start of your journey.

The "KIDDIE - AIR" and the playing corner in the departure area, as well as the playing area outside the terminal are exciting pastimes. From the café-bistro „Kitchen by Fräulein Fröhlich" you will also have an eye on your children at all times. >> more on playgrounds

In the terminal 5 diaper changing rooms are available, plus separate changing tables in the toilets.

Best service on board

You and your family will be in good hands also on the plane. Extra belts for babies are available on all aircrafts. Many airlines off special services for children.

Between 5 and 12 years (usually) your children can fly alone with the "Unaccompanied Minors"-Programme and are cared for by the airline and airport staff. In exceptional cases this service is also available for teenagers from 12 to 18 years.

Please note:
This service is not available with all airlines. You should request or book this service already during the booking procedure. More information can be requested directly at your airline.

Prams travel with you

Of course you can take your pram with you on your journey. Either you check it in in advance free of charge or you give it to our staff directly at the aicraft and will get it back after landing at your destination.

Travelling with pets

When pets go on a journey

Pets and animals up to 8 kilos (weight includes a secure carrier box) may be taken into the cabin area.

Animals over 8 kilos must be transported in the hold; passengers are responsible for providing the appropriate transport carriers. Special rates apply for the transportation of animals.

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact our information desk in the terminal or call +43 (316) 2902 172. You may also contact your airline.